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TOR for carrying out baseline survey of status of persons with disabilities in SRHR.

April 9, 2023
4 minutes read
mike showing expression of interest


Blind Youth Association Nepal (BYAN) is an organization established by Blind and Partially Sighted (BPs) Youth of Nepal, with the vision of "BPS people of Nepal enjoying a dignified life in an inclusive society." Currently, BYAN is working in the areas of policy advocacy, education, employment, disaster risk reduction, political participation, and promotion of SRHR of persons with disabilities in general and BPS in particular.

BYAN is currently carrying out a Project named “Action for Change: An initiative for the promotion of inclusive SRH and FP services for persons with disabilities and strengthened movement" in partnership with CBM Nepal. The objective of the baseline survey to establish a benchmark or baseline for project indicators or variables. BYAN will use to establish the current situation or status in the project area, and to gather information on key projects indicators such as demographics, socio-economic characteristics, access to services, knowledge, attitudes and practices related to the project objective.

BYAN is looking for a consultant to carry out baseline survey of the chapters of BYAN Thus, BYAN announces the call for Expression of Interest (EOI) from experienced and qualified experts to carry out the capacity assessment. Interested and eligible individuals or organizations are invited to submit EOI in the following address, mentioning "Expression of Interest for “Baseline Survey” in the subject line in the following Address: [email protected] CC to [email protected] and [email protected].

Final Deadline for submitting the EOI is April 16, 2023.

Objective of the Assignment

The purpose of a project baseline survey is to provide a reference point for measuring the impact of the project over time. By collecting data on project indicators before the project interventions are implemented, the baseline survey can be used to compare the situation before and after the project, and evaluate the effectiveness of the project interventions in 3 project district Kathmandu, Bara and Surkhet.

Scope of Work

The baseline survey will cover the following areas:

The objective of this baseline survey is to assess the current status of access to services in target areas, with a focus on identifying gaps and challenges that need to be addressed in order to improve the availability, affordability and quality of healthcare services (sexual and reproductive health).

  • Target Population: The survey will target residents of project area (Bara, Surkhet and Kathmandu), having some form of disability.
  • Survey instruments: The survey instruments will include a questionnaire for individual respondents, as well as interview guides for healthcare providers and key informants. The questionnaire will cover a range of topics including healthcare seeking behaviors, access to services, quality of care, availability of the SRH materials.
  • Sampling and data collection: the sample will be selected using a purposive sampling method. Data will be collected through face-to-face interview conducted by trained survey enumerators.
  • Data Analysis: Data collected during the survey will be analyzed using a statistical software to identify key findings and insights. Results will be summarized in a report and presented using tables, charts and graphs.
  • Reporting and disseminations: A report summarizing the findings of the survey will be prepared and disseminated to relevant stakeholders, including project partners, local government officials, and healthcare providers.
  • Quality assurance and control: Quality assurance measures will be put in place to ensure that the survey instruments are valid and reliable, and that the data collected is accurate and unbiased.

Top of Form


The baseline survey will use a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, including desk review, interviews, and focus group discussions. The survey tools will include questionnaires, focus group discussion, and key informant interviews. The data will be collected from a representative sample of the target populations 1800.


The following deliverables will be provided:

  1. Work Plan and Inception Report: Consultant will have a meeting with BYAN team to understand the project and to collect the required documents before preparing the inception report.  A baseline report outlining the current situation in the project areas.
  2. Draft Report: A comprehensive report presenting the findings, conclusions, and recommendations on the basis of qualitative and quantitative data.
  3. Final Report: A final report incorporating feedback and comments from BYAN and other stakeholders.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Minimum bachelor degree in research, disability or social science.
  • More than 5 years of experience in conducting baseline/endline survey, including experience with different types of organization and sectors.

Service Duration and Location

The consultant will be working in close coordination with BYAN team. The consultant shall be engaged on a daily basis for a maximum of 30 working days, including the field assessment of three chapter of BYAN in Bara (Madesh Province), Surkhet (Karnali province) and  Kathmandu (Bagmati Province). The assignment will immediately be started from mid April and completed by the end of June, 2023

It is expected that the consultant works 30 days as follow:

  1. Document Review and Inception Report(3 days)
    1. Data collection (12 days)
    1. Data Analysis and draft report ( 5 days)
    1. Review, quality assurance (3 days)
    1. Finalization of the report and evaluation brief (7 days)

Required Documents for Submitting Proposal Firms:

  • Cover Letter
  • Financial proposal
  • A brief concept note highlighting the methodological design
  • The document should have annexed bio-data of the assignment team member/s.
  • Firm Registration & Renewal certificate
  • Copy of VAT Registration Certificate
  • Latest Tax clearance certificate


  • Cover Letter
  • Financial proposal
  • A brief concept note highlighting the methodological design including work plan, and quality assurance mechanisms.
  • The proposal should have annexed bio-data of the assignment team member/s.
  • Letter of declaration from the office if currently involved in any.

BYAN will select the consultant based on their experience and amount proposed for the task.

BYAN reserves the right to select or not to select any of the application. BYAN keeps safeguarding as a top priority so, any data or information collected during the task shall be kept confidential and shall not be disseminated without BYAN’s prior consent.

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